
Drag, drop, and share your files.
Not just your messages, but all your files, images, PDFs, documents, and spreadsheets can be dropped right into worksuite and shared with anyone you want. Add comments, star for later reference, and it’s all completely searchable.
If you use any services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box, just paste the link and that document is immediately in sync and searchable too.
Works everywhere you go
Everything in worksuite—messages, notifications, files, and all—is automatically indexed and archived so that you can have it at your fingertips whenever you want. worksuite also indexes the content of every file so you can search within PDFs, Word documents, Google docs, and more. With one search box and a set of powerful search operators, you can slice and dice your way to that one message in your communication haystack.

All your tools in one place.
Connect all the tools you use to worksuite and avoid all that constant switching between apps. Set up your integration so that you get all your notifications directly within worksuite—from support requests, code check-ins, and error logs to sales leads—all of them searchable in one central archive.
If you use any services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box, just paste the link and that document is immediately in sync and searchable too.
Your website works on any device: desktop, tablet or mobile.
You can easily read, edit, and write your own code, or change everything.
UI Elements
There is a bunch of useful and necessary elements for developing your website.
Clean Code
You can find our code well organized, commented and readable.
As you can see in the source code, we provided a comprehensive documentation.
Free Updates
When you purchase this template, you'll freely receive future updates.
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